
Note: This service is provided by other SurfaceCycle companies. Please contact Donegal Construction for further information.

Most efficient way to transform tired, old asphalt pavement into base material

40% to 80% cheaper than conventional reconstruction techniques

Inplace technology eliminates the need to transport old asphalt to a crusher and back to a project leading to drastically lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

Versatile solution that can be used on any asphalt pavement (smallest of parking lots to heavily traveled interstate highways)

Construction technique that every pavement manager should have in their toolbox

What Is Reclaiming?

Reclaiming, also referred to as Pulverizing or Full Depth Reclamation (FDR), is the most economical way to recycle full depth sections of asphalt in-place. It uses a powerful reclaiming machine operated by a skilled tradesperson to turn an old asphalt pavement into road base by uniformly pulverizing the full depth of old pavement and blending it with a portion of underlying material. This blend of pulverized asphalt and base is then compacted and graded per plans and specs.

The team at Donegal can take care of any reclaim project. Our industry leading operators have extensive experience ranging from small parking lots in tight spaces to deep sections of asphalt on the interstate. Donegal is able to meet the demands of any high production project with the most powerful and technologically advanced reclaimers on the market today.

Aerial view of asphalt reclamation work in progress at a shopping center parking lot.
